Author: admin

There be Dragons

What an incredible time in the World stock markets, volatility(to the downside), pandemics, credit market collapse and an oil market collapse.  First and foremost I hope that my readers are healthy and safe, in...

Company Stats 2017

Last year’s reserve reports are finished, and it is a good time to look at last year’s financial numbers to see the star companies and the ones that are more “challenged”.  This is also an...

Yangarra Stock Chart

Why Yangarra?

As one of the top performing Energy Stocks on the TSX this last year one should stop and look in depth at the numbers to ask the question, why Yangarra Resources.  This energy stock...

Seven Generations Stock Chart

Greed meet Risk

The recent stock price drop in Seven Generations reminds us that valuation matters and even the most popular stocks can have a reassessment by the market as to what they perceive the value of...