Category: Oil Production

Seasonal Days of Supply

Are We There Yet?

Watching the oil market bounce around and reading market commentaries on the internet,it is hard not to ask are we there yet.  Is the oil price bottom in, and is the next leg up, where...

North America Liquids Production

Blame Canada?

A recent article in the Financial Post talked about how Canada was gaining market share in the US oil market displacing shale oil with bitumen and synthetic oil from recently started oil sands projects...

Look to the Past to Predict the Future

I started building a quick model that would use the rig count and output a production forecast of world oil production just like the one that was built for US Oil Production.  During the construction process...

Production Forecast

What Moves the Price of Oil

Recently I was wondering what market indicators should be followed to anticipate that the oil bear market is over and the market is moving to a more balanced state.  The first few things that go through...